Oliver Seth Reese is a junior studying marketing at Southern Oregon University.

Abby Kolcun
3 min readMar 7, 2021

Oliver Seth Reese is a junior studying marketing at Southern Oregon University. As a child he wanted to be a dentist because he enjoyed going to the dentists office and I thought it was interesting. “My dentist was really nice and very kind, and I thought he was a cool guy, “he said nonchalantly “I especially liked the toys you’d get after. I like toys”. His interest in dentistry didn’t last long as he quickly became enthralled by history and then business. This interest in business stemmed from his dad as he was the biggest influence on Oliver growing up. Oliver talks about his dad saying, “he was an example of being able to do what you want to do and that if you put your all into something you’re going to succeed”. His dad showed him that if you put your heart into something it is going to work out for.

Today, Oliver is a 21 year old with an average height of 5’8, a stout build, and dirty blonde, wispy hair. He talks loudly with an outgoing manner, holds his shoulders forward, and when he smiles his green grey eyes light up above his freckled cheeks. Actually, he is most proud of his social abilities and how he can present himself with a sophisticated demeanor when necessary.

Because of this, in high school he was the kind of person that could get along with almost anybody. He discussed his big regret about quitting wresting as a high school student. He talked fondly saying “ It was really the first sport I did and although it was really hard I wish I hadn’t given it up. I let wresting get away and I honestly would have liked to do it in college.” “Either that or I wish I wouldn’t have gone to the University of Oregon”, he says, “It was a lot of wasted time and money.”

When asked to reveal the one thing about him that few people know, he responded by mentioning that he has a soft side. “I have a real sensitive side to myself. I think about things rapidly and I process of a million different things at once. When negative things appear, if I can’t overlook them then it’s just a rainy cloud on me. I can block out the negative things most times but when they do hit me it is like a wave.” For Oliver, the saddest day of his life was when his mom was diagnosed with cancer. “When she was diagnosed I hadn’t really known anyone with cancer before personally and to just know how horrible of a thing it was and that my mother had it was a terrible and dreadful feeling” he says.

Although we all face adversity like Oliver has with his mother’s cancer. It is important to focus on the positive qualities of living which Oliver has proven to do throughout his own life. His outgoing personality and eager mind set him apart from his hardships and demonstrate that he will go far.

