The Pandemic Impact On Rogue Valley Vineyards

Abby Kolcun
2 min readFeb 1, 2021
Rogue Valley Vineyard

With the concern of spreading COVID-19 and the on and off lock-downs vineyards and wineries are having to come up with new ways to make sales and stay relevant. The pandemic has done a lot to change the way people dine out and spend their time. Current mandates have Southern Oregon residents eating outside in open air locations or ordering takeout. The county is no longer allowed to participate in indoor dining because this would interfere with the mask rules. Furthermore, face masks must be worn in all public areas with a six foot distance order for public safety. As you can image, this is quite difficult for local businesses .

Though many people recognize that local restaurants are suffering during the pandemic, these mandates are making business hard for local wineries and vineyards as well. COVID-19 regulations has made it so that wineries can not participate in indoor wine tastings or tours. Also, the mandates have caused many people to remain inside their homes and stopped gatherings that might otherwise be taking place at the vineyards.

Wine tasting in the time of COVID-19 has been difficult for wineries in Ashland as well as those across the United States. Many Rogue Valley wineries have had to make compromises that change the way they operate and conduct business. Some have started offering curbside wine pickup and wine delivery.

Now more than ever it is extremely crucial that people help support their local businesses in any way they can. This could mean buying local wine, stopping in at wineries if allowed, or even posting on social media to remind others about the Southern Oregon wineries. Also, make sure to support other small businesses in your area such as restaurants and shops.

Help support your local vineyards and wineries by drinking local wine. Many are still offering wine tastings as well as curbside wine delivery and even virtual wine tastings!

Here’s a full list of Rogue Valley wineries and vineyards to support!

Just remember to follow basic COVID-19 precautions while visiting.

